And we thought it couldn't get worse! We saw the pediatrician yesterday. Good news, his chest is clear! But he was getting dehydrated so we are now pumping him full of pedialyte for the next 36hrs. It looks so painful but Noah is a fighter and continues to amaze me. The pediatrician said his palate must be incredibly painful because it is so wide open and his mouth is full of chicken pox.

Poor little angel! He looks like he's hanging in there though! Lots of hugs coming your way!
Hi Nichole + Brad,
I hope I get through to the comment page. I just ache for Noah
and am praying faithfully. You guys are so amazing and patient. Noah is special but so are you.
God bless your family.
Love + prayers,
Auntie Bertha
Hi Noah. I am getting very anxious to hear how your doing. Praying for you all the time.......love granny
Auntie Hilda says...
You the family are in our prayers daily. Hang in there.Noah you are a precious gift to the family.
I hope he gets better, What a beautiful baby. I hope your hospital stay is short. When you get well Come see my son He is PRS as well, until then GET BETTER
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