After a long, exhausting 30 day hospital stay, Noah is finally home! The last month has just been one hurdle after another and what we thought would be an overnight stay turned into an entire month! After the fundoplication surgery, Noah spent one night in PICU. The ventilator was removed after 24hrs and Noah did great. So he was transferred to CH5 where he continued to recover. No food was allowed for 3 days to give his tummy time to rest. Then feeds were started very slowly. With Noah it was 2 steps forward and 1 step back as we worked to get him back up to his full feeds. He continued to have difficulty with his respirations as well as alot of retching and gagging, so it took a week and a half to get him back to full feeds.

So it was decided to keep Noah until Wednesday to make sure all was ok with his tube and his feeds. Noah was miserable all throughout the night and that morning. The surgical nurse was all ready to pull out his central line so we could leave, when Noah spiked a fever. What a huge disappointment! This meant at least another 48hrs of antibiotics. His g-tube site was infected from all the manipulating that had happened the day before.

Today, once the blood cultures came back negative, Noah's central line was pulled out and we were finally able to take him home! We are feeding him at home with the pump, which he will be hooked up to for 18hrs each day. He is still on Neocate formula and we will start to reintroduce breast milk on Monday, mixed with the Neocate to boost his calories. He is doing well and we are hoping to see some weight gain now that we are home and the vomiting has completely stopped. He will start seeing occupational therapy and physiotherapy each month to help him as he develops. We continue to be amazed at God's goodness and faithfulness. Noah continues to amaze us all and remind us over and over of the precious gift of life. He is so responsive and freely gives out smiles that melts our heart. We thank God for bringing us through this past month and that we can finally be a family again.
I came across your blog and I just wanted to say that I was born with a cleft lip/pallet as well. I hope all goes well with your son and I'll pray for him.
Yay! I'm so glad Noah is home! Was he really in the hospital for 30 days?!? Wow, I'm glad you can all be back together as a family now. We're still praying for you guys and thinking of you daily!
welcome home Noah!!! we are glad you are home!
I'm so glad that you were able to bring Noah home. My prayers are still with your family and Congrats on having such a sweet family.
This is truly wonderful! Congrats on getting your little man home. I will continue to keep him in my prayers
Lisa from Babyzone
We have prayed long and hard for you Noah. We praise God that you and mom are finally home. You are all a family again. Hugs and kisses Noah love granny
So happy that you and little
Noah are finally at home.30 days
is a long time.
So glad the family is back together.
Love Auntie Martha
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