It's been over two weeks since Noah's surgery. His lip and nose look wonderful! Noah had his follow up appointment with the surgeon today who was pleased with how Noah's lip has healed. He removed the rest of the stitches in Noah's nose. Noah didn't even flinch, much to the surgeon's amazement! The arm restraints are now gone too and Noah is enjoying his new found freedom. And best of all, Noah got his soothie back!! He didn't know what to do with it at first, but after a few minutes, he was in heaven sucking away! We need to start massaging Noah's scar every day to keep it from becoming raised as it heals.
We discussed the desats that Noah was having in the hospital (his oxygen levels dropping periodically), and the concerns I have about this. So Dr Ross sent a referral to respirology to address this. Hopefully we will see them soon and they will decide if Noah needs to be on a monitor and perhaps oxygen during the night. We also discussed the possibility of having to do a jaw surgery in a few months, depending on how Noah's jaw grows. Because of his PRS, Noah has an abnormally small lower jaw and an "unusual" airway. The concern is that when they close his palate up, they may be closing off his airway. We will just have to wait and see what happens over the next few months with Noah's breathing and jaw growth. Sounds like palate surgery won't happen for at least another year.

Noah is now 6lbs 3oz so we are slowly moving in the right direction again. In a few weeks after his lip has had more time to heal, he will have a swallow study done to see if he is still aspirating. If he passes we will be able to start some spoon feeding which would be exciting!
Yay for the soother! Can he get a suction on it now? His face looks so good, and in the pictures you can barely tell there's a scar there. I'm glad you're growing and doing so well!
Hooray, Noah, a true soldier!! You have such a brave and strong little boy!
Good morning, Nice to see a good update. Sorry to hear about the desats. My son too had PRS as an infant and had issues with the desats while he slept. He was on O2 for the longest time from about 6 months until 14 months. When you do see respirology request an Overnight Sleep Study. This will determine the oxygen exchange in his lungs during his sleep as well as brain patterns of respirolgy. (Don't quote me on that!) Once my son had this at 14 months old he was able to be rid of the oxygen but then was put on a special machine for his lungs at night time.
glad to hear you can have your sucky back!
Noah,you are such a handsome
little boy.You are a sweety!
Glad you got your soothie back.
Love,Auntie Martha.
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