Noah's new face continues to take shape before our eyes. It's been almost 4 weeks since surgery. We still notice small changes each day and we are so pleased with the results. It's already hard to remember what he used to look like but it's been easy to fall in love all over again. We have begun to massage his scar daily to loosen up his lip and keep the scar from becoming too raised. Noah has been fighting a cold all week, but thankfully his lungs have remained clear. We have increased his breastmilk/Neocate concentration once again and he is now up to 6lbs 7oz!
We are settling into a routine here. With no surgeries scheduled for the near future, we can relax for a bit and start to focus on other issues. Socially, Noah is doing very well. He is very alert, loves to smile and laugh and is beginning to vocalize to us. Physiotherapy has started coming into our home once a month. We are working on head control, tummy time (which Noah is extremely resistant to and can only handle a few seconds) and leg exercises (his legs are tight). We are also working on deep touch since Noah does not enjoy alot of handling. Occupational therapy in our home will also start soon. Right now for speech therapy, we have to drive to Morris, but hopefully in the future, they too will come into our home. We also have a child development worker who comes in once a week to help work on all these areas. So our weeks are busy with all the therapies, plus other specialties that are involved in Noah's care (pediatrician, plastics, dentristy, ENT, feeding, orthopedics, neurology, respirology). We have never been more thankful for Canada's healthcare system!!God has been so gracious and we thank Him each and every day that we can enjoy our little miracle. 
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning: Great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21-23
What a great update. I love the third picture! he's such a sweetie pie. he's one story I'll be following for a while. He's just so darn cute it's illegal!!
Hi Noah,
It's so good to see you making progress each week. You have come so far, with God's healing power. Your schedule seems quite hectic but God will get you through. You are a fighter. Love you.
Auntie Bertha
PS Say hi to Kailyn and Joshua
I love that third picture's almost as if he's posing his new face for you. He's a beautiful boy and every update is a pleasure. Thank you Nicole.
Hi, I just happened upon your site here. My 11 month old son is also named Noah. He has microcephaly, but he is quite the charmer:)
I just wanted to say that your Noah is just the cutest little guy!!! He is absolutely precious. Good luck to you from Linda in Ohio, USA
your face is healing up so nicely! you have such a cute smile!! see you at easter!
love aidan, cassi, and liam
You're SUCH a cutie, Noah!
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