Hard to believe we are at the 7 month mark already. Time is passing far too quickly these days. Noah is weighing in at 6lbs 9oz. We are once again in a slump with his weight. He has lost a couple of ounces over the past week. We have had to decrease the concentration of Neocate in his breastmilk because of the constant gagging and retching through his feedings. So now we are trying to very slowly increase his volume to see if this will be better tolerated. Unfortunately it is all just trial and error right now. Times like this it is difficult not to let my mind get carried away with the "what ifs" of the future. But I know that the future is in the Lord's hands and He continues to carry us one day at a time.
Therapies are going well and Noah is now reaching for toys and using his hands more. This is a big milestone for him. He is very interactive and his head control continues to improve as well. When he is not on the pump, he is a happy little guy. His swallow study is scheduled for May 17th.
"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light." Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT)
Hi Nichole - I'm glad you posted something b/c I've been checking! Noah looks pretty content in that picture and that's exciting to hear that he's reaching for toys! You're right that God knows all about Noah's future and what it holds and I'm glad to hear that you're placing that in his hands. We love you guys!
BTW - We are thinking of taking our summer trip to Man. a little early and coming next month. Do you think you could put us up for a night or two??
Nichole, you are amazing in the way you keep on glorifying God---- when you must be exhausted. That is a perfect verse that you put in the blog, since only God can give you the strength you need to deal with your little family and not complain.
We'll keep praying, Emmy
Ohh I get to post after my mom :-)
Noah is just so precious. What a great God we have. It's so exciting to see that he's grabbing for toys and to know that he's such a happy boy. What truth you're put in touch with when you say about the unknown future- but yet, all Noah's days (and all of our days) are all known already by God. We're still praying for you guys.
love Ramona
Nichole, I am so happy to hear how well Noah is doing. To know that he is reaching for toys and holding his head is so encouraging. I see he has a swallow study on the 17th, I will be praying for him. Luke has a swallow study on the 11, this month.
God Bless!
just read you are 7 months old...i hope you continue in your journey to get stronger everyday! GOD BLESS...
MARIA and matthew
Hi, my name is Jill and I have a baby boy with a craniofacial birth defect so I joined the Circle of Smiles web ring and that's how I found your site. I haven't read the whole thing but I just want to say, your little guy is really, really, really cute. I just love his smile--I'm smiling right now because of those cute pictures. Take care!
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