On Sunday we presented Noah to the Lord in dedication. Pastor John anointed Noah with oil and blessed him. He was even able to hold Noah which is amazing since Noah doesn't tolerate being held by anyone for very long at all. After church we had a bunch of our family over for a barbeque. The day turned out really well. I thought I'd post what I read in church for his dedication. Psalm 139:13-16 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."It was just over a year ago on June 2nd when we learned the devastating news that we were not having a normal, healthy child. Noah would be born with a chromosome deletion including a cleft lip and palate. In fact, he was not growing normally and would probably not even survive through the pregnancy. Some suggested it would probably be best to terminate as to not burden our family. But this child was being knit together by God in His own image. And so we chose instead to cover him in prayer. And God is so gracious.On September 21st, our little miracle came into this world, alive, and yes, not quite perfect in the world's eyes, but absolutely beautiful to us. He has had to fight many battles already over the last nine months including ventilators, surgeries, pneumonias, failure to thrive, developmental issues, even chicken pox. He has spent many weeks in hospital. But he continues to suprise and amaze us and the medical profession, showing us over and over who is really in control. It has been difficult to see him have to struggle in so many ways. And yet, for some purpose, God has chosen to give us this gift of time with Noah. Perhaps it is to teach us to see the beauty in all of God's children. Or to slow us down to celebrate life and every milestone. Perhaps it is for a much greater purpose which we may never know this side of heaven. Noah is a joy to parent. He is a content, joyful little guy who loves to socialize especially with Kailyn and Joshua. When he smiles, his eyes glow, and we get a little glimpse into heaven. We thank God each day for our third miracle and for blessing us so richly with this precious life. We want to thank you all so much for your continuous prayers. And thank you to so many of you who have taken a special interest in Noah and continue to check up on us every week. It really is a blessing to us. We ask for your support as we parent Noah and raise him as a child of God. The journey ahead has many peaks and valleys. Noah has many challenges yet to come. Medically Noah's prognosis is uncertain. And as much as we desire to have control and map out the days ahead, we know that we must continue to trust in God's perfect plan. So today we place Noah into the Father's loving arms, knowing that He loves Noah even more than us, and we ask that Noah's life be used to glorify Him.Lamentations 3:21-23"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
At 7lbs 8oz, Noah has doubled his birthweight!! Definately a milestone to celebrate! Things remain relatively status quo around here and we are enjoying our fun little guy! He continues to show progress developmentally and we rejoice with each new skill, tiny as they may be!