Friday, August 03, 2007

Trusting in the One

Noah had a new line put in on Friday, but unfortunately it was not the permanent one I had hoped that it would be. As there were no monitored beds available, the anesthesiologist was unwilling to give Noah any sedation. And so our surgeon decided that it would be best to put in another temporary femoral line until Noah has been treated for a while with antibiotics and we make sure he is completely infection free. So, under only local anesthetic, another femoral line was put in. Thankfully, the surgeon allowed me to stay in the OR with Noah the whole time, but it was a very rough time for both of us.

With his new line in place, Noah has been doing well, other than a cold that he's fighting at the moment. We pray that this line will last until we can get a new one placed. If it doesn't, we will be back to square one again. Talk of discharge is in the works. We are hoping to be able to get Noah home and come back into hospital after a few weeks of antibiotics to have his permanent central line put in. But because of the risks of a femoral line, we may be unable to be discharged into the home IV program. This would mean that Noah would be stuck in hospital until his new line could be put in. So lots of details to work out yet and the plan seems to change daily.

We are tired, discouraged and so ready to be home as a family. And our hearts have been very heavy this week for my sister and brother-in-law (Jamie & Erik) and Erik's family. Erik's brother Nathan died tragically last weekend. A grim reminder of how precious life is and how quickly and unexpectantly it can end. Nathan touched our lives and we take comfort in knowing that he was ready to meet his Maker. We can't help but ask "why" as we weep for those left behind to mourn his absence. In the fitting words of Nathan & Rosanna from a comment they left on our blog a few weeks ago "Trusting in the One who holds all our tomorrows." Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. Oh, how we wish we could be there with you!!


Anonymous said...

...hugs & our prayers,

Anonymous said...

you are constantly in our prayers. May the Lord lift you up, give you strength and peace. we love you mom

Anonymous said...

Nichole and family,

I'm pryaing daily for Noah and your entire family. May God continue to bless you to continue to be the strong woman you are. You are an amazing woman and a wonderful inspiration to me. May God continue to bless Noah. He's the strongest little boy in the world ;-). I hope and pray you guys can go home soon.

Lots of love and hugs all the way from Charlotte, NC
