Toronto Day 25
A better day today. The night on BiPap was enough to turn Noah's gases around and avoid reintubation. This morning he was taken off the BiPap and has done well all day just on oxygen through nasal prongs. With the respiratory stuff settling down, he was moved out of PICU to the constant care room on the ward. Still running the morphine infusion, but even with that he's quite miserable with fevers on and off during the day. This evening he is looking very settled back on his CPAP, his temp is down, his TPN has been restarted and his kidneys have kicked in again. Praying for a quiet night. Brad heads back tomorrow, and then him and the kids are coming back Monday evening. Once again our needs have been provided for. West Jet Cares for Kids Program donates flights to families of Ronald McDonald House to help keep families together. So the flights next week are absolutely free. Thank you so much West Jet!!Happy 7th Birthday Joshua!! We love you so much and wish we were with you today. Can't wait to celebrate with you next week.
thanks for the updates. Praying you will have a quiet restful sleep. Talked to Josh this morning. Sounded like he had a lot of plans for the weekend, not to mention, the Toronto trip, and Kailyn was so excited too. She may be bugging you to do all kinds of things, because Erik told her all the places in Toronto, she needed to see. love you. Hugs to all of you. Always anddad
Praise the Lord. So glad today was better. Glad that you will all be together soon!! A special happy birthday to Josh!
Wow, what a blessing those free flights are!! So glad that Brad was able to get there, and that you'll be a family again soon!
So thankful that Noah is doing so well...thank-you Jesus!
Glad to hear that Noah is looking better. We had a wonderful birthday with Josh! He chose Boston Pizza for a birthday supper, (because of the toy he got to pick) and then chose "Shark Tales" for our movie night. And of course we had fun at Dollarama picking up some activities for the plane ride on Monday. The kids are VERY excited to come and see you. Kailyn keeps wishing for a time machine that would take her right to Monday! Sorry we missed your call, I passed your birthday wishes on to Josh, although he was probably too sleepy to really comprehend what I said. Hope you have a restful night!
I am SO glad that Brad could be with you on the day of surgery.Bless the one who made it possible. I had asked the Lord to please give you some angels around that could wait with you as the surgery was happening and what a blessing to be able to have your hubby and there.God is so faithful!!!My heart just goes out to Noah and will continue to pray that he will recover quickly.
SO happy to hear that the whole family will be able to come. Love and prayers, Auntie Hilda
so glad Brad could be there for Noah's surgery, what a blessing. And that your family will be together on Monday. We will keep praying!!
Glad you family gets to spend some much needed time together next week!
Thanks for the update. I am so pelaseed to hear that Noah is doing better. I hope that Brad's time here and the anticipation of the family being together again next week is giving you strength.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help - planning/ideas for the family, whatever. FYI, Centeville is closed right now because of the city workers strike, but Ontario Place, museums etc are all OK. The ferries to the island are also not running.
I will be praying for more good news each day,
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