The actual surgery went well (other than a very difficult intubation) and our surgeon was very pleased. Opthamology got their look at his eyes, which looked fine. A full fundoplication was done, and he was able to take down the old stoma, untwist his stomach with no need to do any resecting of the pyloris. This was definately good news and he now has some working plumbing. He took down alot of old scar tissue and some adhesions to his liver. (Apparently his liver is very large, but is not "sick looking"). He placed a new g-tube and separate j-tube. Then he performed a Ladd's procedure to reposition Noah's malrotated intestines in his abdomen.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Toronto Day 24
Surgery day...where to even begin...I will see how much my exhausted mind is able to recall...

By 7am we were down in the OR waiting room...Noah finally went in around 8:30am. He was in the OR for 6 hours. During that time I had a couple of visitors which was nice, and then at 10am Brad showed up. surprise...a huge thank you to all those involved in getting him here for today. I was very happy to see him and have him here for today.
The actual surgery went well (other than a very difficult intubation) and our surgeon was very pleased. Opthamology got their look at his eyes, which looked fine. A full fundoplication was done, and he was able to take down the old stoma, untwist his stomach with no need to do any resecting of the pyloris. This was definately good news and he now has some working plumbing. He took down alot of old scar tissue and some adhesions to his liver. (Apparently his liver is very large, but is not "sick looking"). He placed a new g-tube and separate j-tube. Then he performed a Ladd's procedure to reposition Noah's malrotated intestines in his abdomen.
By 3pm, Noah was brought down to recovery room, and after a bit of effort, they were able to extubate him right away. So the plan was to watch him for 4 hours and send him back up to the constant care room on the ward. But Noah had different plans...he started spiking temps, having some fluid issues, and of course, those pesky lungs began to act up. After a few scares in the recovery room, with some major desats and some visits from the Critical Care Response Team, it was decided to watch him there a bit longer with his CPAP and see if he'd settle. By 10pm he was still working to breathe and his gases were looking progressively worse, so he was admitted to PICU and started on Bi-Pap. I was actually quite happy to get him to PICU as I feel he is alot safer there right now. Between that and his morphine infusion, he is looking more settled, although his gases are still not improving. His chest xray is showing a possible aspiration pneumonia on his right side and a bit of lung collapse. So now it is just a "wait and see" game.
The actual surgery went well (other than a very difficult intubation) and our surgeon was very pleased. Opthamology got their look at his eyes, which looked fine. A full fundoplication was done, and he was able to take down the old stoma, untwist his stomach with no need to do any resecting of the pyloris. This was definately good news and he now has some working plumbing. He took down alot of old scar tissue and some adhesions to his liver. (Apparently his liver is very large, but is not "sick looking"). He placed a new g-tube and separate j-tube. Then he performed a Ladd's procedure to reposition Noah's malrotated intestines in his abdomen.
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Nichole and Brad,
Seeing as I'm a night owl, I've been waiting for your report. I can not imagine what kind of day you've had. I pray that you all have a quiet night with no surprises. I pray for a fast recovery for Noah. All my prayers go to both of you as you keep a close vigil at Noah's side. May you feel " the peace of God which transends all understanding", who "will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus our Lord"
LOve and prayers,
Auntie Bertha
So glad the surgery is done and that Brad is there. I had prayed that God would send an angel to be with you, and He answered that prayer.Will be praying.
Praying for God's hand of protection on Noah as he recovers, and lots of peace for you - so glad Brad is able to be there.
we're praying for you all. so glad Brad was able to be there for and with you.
Nichole and Brad: I am so sorry to hear that Noah's has been fighting all these challenges and I pray that today is more peaceful. It sounds like Dr. Wales was able to do what he wanted to do and I pray also that the results will be positive.
I was pleased to see that you had someone to talk to in the Surgical Waiting Room and hope that I was able to help you pass the time as well. Still, I too felt the hand of God upon you and Noah when Brad walked into the room. I am so pleased that he is with you at Noah's side and pray that you will all draw strength from each other.
Having spent quite a few hours in the Sick Kids surgical waiting room myself, I know it can be stressful, lonely and even boring. I really didn't like the idea of Nichole waiting it out alone. Still, we're simply new internet friends from our Wish Trippers discussion group...but I do live not that far from Sick Kids, so I thought I'd pop in to lend support. I was there when Nichole watched Brad walk in the door.
To all who helped make Brad's trip possible, please know that the look on Nichole's face when Brad walked in the room was one of disbelief, happiness, confusion and relief...all at once. I had never met Brad, but I could see how his presence filled Nichole with renewed strength and their love flooded the room. Praise God for surrounding this family with His love and with family and friends who worked together to make this happen.
Praying for all of you,
We are glad to hear that the surgury got done and pray that Noah will recover quickly. Thank you, Alison, for your visits with Nichole and the report of Brad's arrival. It is very difficult for the rest of us to be so far away at a time like this. Thank you to those who made Brad's trip possible. God Bless! Grandma L.
Wow, what a day! Still praying for you! It must have been such a relief to get Brad there. I can't even imagine doing all that on your own... Lots of **hugs** to you, Nichole!!! And thank you Alison for being there too. :)
Thank you Alisson for your comment,and for popping in to see Nichole. I had prayed yesterday morning, specifically for an angel to be with Nichole. Little did I know that angel would be Brad. God just never ceases to amaze me. Nichole's mom
Hey there
I posted something early this morning, but it didn't show up. I hope that Noah is doing better right now. I'm so glad that Brad was able to make it there...I did tell him that he should tell you he was coming though! We will continue to pray for you. Hugs to my Bean...
We are praying for you. That's fantastic that Brad was able to be there for you and Noah.
Jane and Kevin
I am glad the surgery went well and I am praying for a speedy recovery and some good news. I am also glad that Brad was there. I can't actually imagine going through a day like that without Brad at your side...
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