A long day, just killing time until we leave tomorrow. Everything is a go...praying it all goes smoothly tomorrow. I am so anxious to be back home. It's been a long haul, but worth it. Noah is going home minus his NG tube, suction and prolapsed stoma. He has gained a new G tube, J tube, rearranged intestines, a stomach that actually empties, and we have some feeds with fat trickling in those intestines. Alot of good progress, and although we are still very far from being able to say goodbye to TPN, it's a start. We are leaving with much more hope.
A better day for Noah today...the increase in Domperidone seems to be helping the retching and he was more himself today. We decided not to rock the boat and make any changes to his feed today. We will wait until we are settled back in Winnipeg again.
A volunteer hairdresser came by today and gave Noah a haircut...
And after...
I couldn't believe how still he sat for her! He looks so different...Ok, I do miss his crazy surfer hair and his curls in the back, although I do think he looks pretty cute...
Oh Noah, You look GREAT!! Love the haircut. Granny See yu soon!!!!!!!
I have followed every day...but had to quit lurking and post.
Isn't God awesome. We know He is...but He continues to remind us!
I am praying for safe and low stress travel for you guys tomorrow.
And Noah's hair looks great. He looks like a big boy with his new haircut! :)
We've been praying for you throughout your stay in Toronto. So glad to know so much has been accomplished for Noah. Praying for a safe trip tomorrow.
Lydia and family
Maple Ridge BC
Bean - great hair. I, too, will miss that crazy hair. I am SO very excited to see that you are finally coming home. God has been so faithful and awesome during this time, even when you were lonely! Like Maroon, I'm praying for safe and easy travels tomorrow! Can't wait to see you. I'll be stopping by on Wednesday morning...I'm kinda teary just thinking about seeing both of you...I have missed you terribly, Nichole. Hugs to my Bean...
So glad you are coming home! Praying for all to go smoothly in your travels tomorrow - see you soon!
Hey Nichole,
I'm glad that you are finally going home and with so much good news for Noah. And I love the haircut... he looks so grown up!
Praying for a safe flight for all of you tomorrow and a wonderful homecoming.
Glad to read all the great progress. I love the haircut and all the pictures you've posted. Praying all goes well on the journey home.
Loving you all very much~
Take care and God bless!!!
Wow, so much has been accomplished for Noah! He's even cuter with the new hair!!
can't wait for you to be HOME!!! Praying everything goes smoothly tomorrow.
oh he is just too cute with those sparkly eyes of his. so glad that you are heading back home. i will say a prayer for a safe trip for all.
I love the new hair cut, although I always have loved Noah's long curls. I can't believe how fast his hair grows!
Aidan is VERY excited for camp with Josh!
Wow - he looks so much older with the haircut! I am so happy that things are still moving forward each and every day you were in TO.
Myrna Dyck
Love the haircut, Noah is so cute! Hope everything went smooth with your trip home today
Wow, does he ever look like Kailyn.
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